Because of generous donations from you, and from the collection of Jean Jones Andersen, our stock of books has mushroomed. Many more categories have been added to assist you in your search for the book you are looking for, or for the book that is looking for you! A list of categories follows:AGE          AgingB&C          Bibles and Commentaries

BIO           Biographies

BYM         Baltimore Yearly Meeting

CB            Children’s Books

CR            Civil Rights

DEA         Death and Dying

E/SL        Environment/Simple Living

HEA         Health/Healing

HIS          History

HS            Human Sexuality

LIT           Literature

MED        Meditation/Spiritual Education

P/FL        Parenting/Family Life

P&N         Peace and Nonviolence

PHP         Pendle Hill Pamphlets

PSY          Psychology

REL          Religion/Theology/Philosophy

RFM         Richmond Friends Meeting

SC              Social Concerns

SF              Society of Friends

WIS           Women’s Issues/Spirituality