The following are the guidelines established by the Adult Spiritual Education Committee for funding scholarships to Quaker programs.

Adult Spiritual Education Committee Guidelines for Funding Scholarships

  • The Scholarship Fund intends to facilitate RFM’s adult spiritual education by sponsoring involvement within the wider Quaker community (BYM, FGC, FUM, Pendle Hill, School of the Spirit and other Quaker-based programs).
  • Expenditures that benefit Meeting as a whole are prioritized, such as support for visiting retreat leaders or education of individuals in ways that support larger meeting concerns.
  • Written requests (letters) with a proposal can come from either committees or individuals (members or active attenders).
  • Funds are awarded on the basis of financial need, determined by a simple committee / personal statement. Use of other available funds is also encouraged.
  • Recipients are expected to write a note for ASE archives documenting completion of the proposed experience or project. Sharing what was learned with the larger meeting community will be welcomed (e.g. Newsletter article, ASE program, committee work, etc.).
  • Availability of funds will be announced in conjunction with the advertisement of specific programs (such as the BYM Spiritual Formation retreat). Periodically, ASE will inform the Meeting of educational opportunities and resources in the wider Quaker community.