This year, as in past years, Baltimore Yearly Meeting is asking each monthly meeting to write a Spiritual State of the Society report.

The queries below are from BYM and are offered to help us reflect on our experiences as a faith community.

Meeting member and attenders are invited to gather on 2nd Month/February 18 to reflect on these queries through worship sharing. We welcome every voice.

  • What are your greatest joys as a Meeting? What leadings does your Meeting feel most strongly? What challenges and troubles are you facing? In what ways is the Meeting less than you might wish it to be?
  • How does your Meeting nurture the spiritual life of members and attenders? How deep are your Meetings for Worship? Are Meetings for Business held in a spirit of worship?
  • Is your Meeting as diverse as you would like it to be? How well do you attend to the needs of newcomers? Do Friends of all ages feel fully a part of the Meeting community?
  • Do you engage with other Meetings through visitation or shared projects? What message would you like to share with others in Baltimore Yearly Meeting, and with Friends around the world?
  • How do you put your faith into action for justice in the world? Are you aware of the encouragement of the Working Group on Racism within our Yearly Meeting? How has that awareness shaped your work for justice?
  • Has your Meeting made any witness to your community or the wider world as a result of the recent Presidential elections?