The “Aging in Community Support Group” restructured to a simpler format this past year.  In July, the aging group approved a scaled-down organizational structure; essentially needing only a clerk and four care coordinators, dropping the “official” program and social chairs and donating the collected funds in our treasury. This donation was made to Faith Community Church to purchase supplies for the repair of houses of needy seniors.

In summary:

● The Mission Statement is “We want to help each other. We want to be a source of practical, emotional, and spiritual support to help each other as we age in community. “

● Membership is open to retirement age members and attenders of Richmond Friends Meeting. Membership is open to non-Quaker spouses. 

● The aging group will have one yearly meeting in January. The upcoming January meeting will be held at the Meeting house on Tues. Jan.10th from 4:00-6:00 pm.

● The Aging in Community Group will function autonomously under the care of Care & Counsel.

For more information, contact the current clerk, Ada Hammer or the incoming clerk, Carolyn Moul.