Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-one (51) members and attenders were present. Mary Graham Landau was greeter. Kat Sharp from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Diane Penfield, Tyler Plante, Charles Teixeira, and Kaia Alderson, with son Rafe, were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Janet Thoroman read the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) proposed Queries and Voices on Aging.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bronwyn Hughes handed out copies of the Second Quarter 2015 report. Bronwyn noted that after 50% of this fiscal year, the Meeting had received 26% of budgeted contributions. Steve Humphrey, clerk of Financial Stewardship, commented that it is normal for the most of the budgeted contributions to come in late in the year, but encouraged Friends to make contributions earlier as a help to the committee when they begin the budgeting process this fall. Bronwyn then noted that Meeting has expended 64% of the budget; she described the line items and amounts that have made up most of the expenses so far. She reminded Friends that she is always available to answer questions.

Care and Counsel: Chris Olson-Vickers reported for the committee: (1) Jim Melton has moved to Church Hill and still needs rides to and from Meeting. His new address and phone number are posted on the bulletin board. Friends are encouraged to sign up to give rides to Jim. (2) Martha Menk is recovering at the Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Center and would appreciate cards, phone calls and visits to provide respite for her husband. Contact Ellen Thurmond if you are interested in providing support. More details, including phone numbers, will be in the newsletter.

Ministry and Worship: Mary Julia Street made announcements for the committee:

(1) The Fall Retreat is planned for Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the Clearing. Details will be provided in the future. (2) In response to the request from the Clerk to start a process for the Meeting to engage in dialog about what it means to do something on behalf of, or in the name of, the Meeting, the committee will begin meeting with individual Friends for deep listening about concerns. These individual meetings will help the committee shape its listening session(s) for the entire Meeting, sometime in the future. One Friend wondered whether it is generally understood what it means to do something under the care of the Meeting and the processes we follow. Another Friend asked whether a person simply identifying him or herself as a Quaker or member of our Meeting is acting on behalf of the Meeting. The Clerk responded that the process the committee is just beginning is an opportunity for all of us to have a conversation about these topics. Friends who would like to meet with members of the committee may contact clerk Tracey Cain. (3) There are new pamphlets and cards (from Friends General Conference) in the meetinghouse foyer.

Adult Spiritual Education: Howard Garner announced the following: (1) The next Bible Workbench will be held at 9:30 am on Sunday, September 6, 2015. (2) Four ASE workshops on a variety of topics will be held in October. (3) A series on Quaker values, including some “Quaker 101” topics, is being planned for this winter.

Hospitality: Bob Alexander reported on the kitchen improvement project. The renovations to address the features of the kitchen that were creating major problems during cleanup after potluck are complete. The cost was $4500, less than the $5500 budgeted. Friends are encouraged to inspect the improvements.

Peace and Social Concerns: Martha Foster announced that the committee was reviewing the list of 30 local outreach organizations that the Meeting supports with financial contributions. The committee is asking for input from the Meeting. Martha made available a list of the organizations and budgeted amounts of support. Comments and suggestions may be sent to Martha, or clerk Denna Joy.

Sixth Month 2015 MWB Minutes: Approved.

Clerk’s Business: (1) The Clerk noted that 27 Friends from our Meeting attended the recent FGC Gathering. She asked Friends who attended to share special moments or highlights. Friends responded with the following: after a hectic day of travel, arrival and making arrangements, settling into silence with 900 people at the opening Plenary Session; spending leisurely time with Friends from our Meeting; meeting new people, many from Canada and the West Coast; volunteering at the information desk; daily worship for one hour; talking with a variety of people who are serious about their spiritual lives; considering the concern raised by speaker Parker Palmer about the declining number of Quakers (now about half of what it was in the 1970’s) and the implications if the trend continues. The Clerk noted that several Friends were planning to transfer some of the energy of their experience at the Gathering into our local Spiritual Formation Program.

(2) Our building use guidelines have been submitted to the Richmond Zoning Department, which has not responded. The Clerk also announced that the Financial Stewardship Committee has approved the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Building Use Committee that the Meeting stop charging rent and instead request suggested donations for use of the facilities.

(3) The next potluck lunch will be July 26, 2015, at rise of Meeting. Please bring food to share.

(4) As is our custom when there is no pressing business, we will not hold Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business in August. The next MWB will be the third First Day in September, with Denna Joy substituting as Clerk.

Other Business: Farid Alan Schintzius asked how we might act more quickly in response to events such as the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, the national debate about displaying the Confederate Battle Flag, and monuments to the Confederacy in public places. He put forth the idea of Meeting supporting a petition to call on the city, mayor and city council to create a commission to supervise memorials and monuments in Richmond. Several Friends commented on Alan’s suggestions and various aspects of Quaker process. The Clerk asked a member of Peace and Social Concerns to take the questions and suggestions to the committee; it was agreed that she would do so. In the meantime, Alan has a Facebook page discussing the theme “Truthful History Heals,” which can be found by searching for that phrase.

All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.

Barbara Hulburt, Clerk

James Thoroman, Recording Clerk