The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) offers an online meeting for worship with
attention to peace in Palestine-Israel every Thursday at 5:30 pm ET. To receive a Zoom link, sign
up here:

Sally Gudas, longtime Richmond friend and Virginia legislative activist, wrote to make
Richmond friends aware of the AFSC Action Hour to advocate for a cease-fire in Gaza. The
Action Hour is every Friday at Noon ET. To attend, click on “Register” after going to the
following link:

Sally reports, “This was a very helpful session and there are breakout rooms to discuss actions
being taken at other Monthly Meetings or in other areas.”
Diane Bowden is the Richmond Friends liaison to AFSC. If you have any questions about the
organization, please contact her and she will try to find the answer.

The AFSC mission

Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light of each person, AFSC works with people of all
faiths and backgrounds to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace.