Below is a minute from York (PA) Meeting. They wish to disseminate it to Friends everywhere.


At Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business on 9th month 4th day 2005, the following minute was approved be sent to Friends everywhere:

Friends (Quakers) have included in their testimonies, “speaking truth to power” and “we are all equal in the eyes of God.” We at York Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends are appalled and angry at the present administration and Congress for allowing this horrible tragedy to occur from Hurricane Katrina.

There is no reason why thousands had to die and more will die. The scope of this disaster could have been lessened had the administration not disregarded the many published scientific studies forewarning such an event.  It is inexcusable that President Bush designated a political appointee, Michael Brown, who has no qualifications or experience for the position, as director of FEMA. There is no justification for criticizing the Louisiana National Guard for not doing enough when one-third of the guard was in Iraq, fighting in a war perpetrated with untruths.  Some of the billions being spent on  that war could have been used to prevent this hurricane holocaust from happening.

We criticized the Russians for inept government personnel in dealing with the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor disaster. President Bush, you, your appointees and the Leaders in Congress have mimicked the Soviets in the way this horrible occurrence has been dealt with.  Who is being inept now?

The various departments of the Government are equally responsible for ignoring the warnings that this disaster would happen. Our legislators awarded money to their pet projects and looked after the welfare of a select few instead of doing what was really needed for the welfare of all the people of our great nation to prevent this horror from happening. We are only beginning to experience the economic, public health, and social ramifications of this event.

The world can not comprehend how we would let so many African Americans die when those who are affluent had transportation to safety   As the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world, there is no reason why we cannot take care of our own citizens.

Our constitution promises…”Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Are these values not valid to those who were not helped by our complacent leaders?  We pray that those survivors who have lost loved ones and those whose livelihoods have been destroyed will somehow be helped to regain that happiness.  But one of the first goals of this Congressional session is the repeal of the estate tax, another example of looking after the welfare of a select few while ignoring the welfare of all.  We the people who have opened our hearts and pocketbooks to fill the void left by the government cannot let such a vote go unnoticed and unprotested!

York Friends (Quaker) Monthly Meeting.

York, PA

Leada Dietz, Clerk