Richmond Friends Meeting

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Twelfth Month 20, 2015

Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Forty (40) members and attenders were present. Laura Cribbs was greeter. Mary Julia Street from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Brooke Davis read the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) proposed Queries, Advices, and Voices on Youth.

Religious Education: Catherine Roseberry reported that the children were engaged in a program making Christmas crafts and cookies. She invited Friends to two upcoming events: (1) Candlelight Christmas on Monday, December 21, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Although the program is family-oriented, all are encouraged to attend. (2) The “Bond Fire/S’more Time Together” gathering for pizza dinner, and making dessert around the outdoor fire pit, is planned for Friday, January 15, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Nominating Committee: Brooke Davis reported for the committee: (1) The updated, final roster of nominated positions and committee memberships for 2016 was distributed for the second reading and approval. Brooke thanked Friends for their willingness to serve in positions and on committees, and asked for comments. Two corrections were requested. A Friend asked for clarification about which committees have specified term lengths; Don Miller responded that this applies only to the four committees that require membership in Meeting (Ministry and Worship, Care and Counsel, Nominating, and Adult Spiritual Education). Friends approved the 2016 roster. (2) Brooke encouraged all committees to meet in January and choose a clerk in preparation for the New Clerks/Old Clerks meeting scheduled for February 7, 2016, from 9:30 am to 10:45 am. The Clerk expressed thanks to the Nominating Committee for their work, and to Friends for being willing to serve and create a community that binds us together. Don Miller asked committees to send the names of incoming clerks to the newsletter editors for inclusion in the list of committees to be published in the February newsletter.

BYM Camping Program: Brooke Davis “changed hats” and announced that an open house for the BYM Camping Program will be held January 3, 2016 at rise of Meeting. There will be a variety of activities, and former counselors and campers will talk about the program. Brooke asked Friends to spread the word to any children and parents that might be interested, non-Quakers included. Flyers are available on the table under the bulletin board and directly from Brooke.

Financial Stewardship: (1) Treasurer Bronwyn Hughes and committee clerk Steve Humphrey handed out copies of the final 2016 General Fund Budget for approval. Bronwyn stated that the budget was the same as last year, except for two additional Quaker organizations (Monteverde Radio Station and FGC Bayard-Rustin Fund) and a decrease of $50 in the BYM apportionment. Bronwyn asked for questions. A Friend asked whether contributions had increased enough to meet the budgeted amount in the current year. Bronwyn replied that the assumption and hope is that the full amount will be received, but she will not know until mid-to-late January when all of the checks dated in 2015 are counted. At that time, she will provide an update to the Meeting. Steve commented that contingency funds would be used to cover any shortfall in contributions. Friends approved the 2016 budget. (2) Bronwyn reported that Curian, the investment vehicle currently used for ASE funds, is being closed. She has scheduled a meeting with our investment advisor on December 28th to determine where the money can be invested in a socially-conscious way. Bronwyn encourages anyone interested in attending to contact her for details. The Clerk thanked the treasurer and the committee, and reminded Friends that approval of the budget is a commitment by everyone in our community to support the Meeting with contributions.

Peace and Social Concerns: (1) Dave Depp reported for the committee: He spoke about the history of RFM in supporting refugees from a number of countries, including Cambodia, Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia, and Afghanistan. The committee is looking into how RFM might support refugees from economic conditions or war, perhaps an individual or family from Syria. The committee will provide more information in the coming weeks and will bring a proposal to a future business meeting if so led. In response, a Friend described past efforts of the Meeting and the importance of these activities as witness. Another Friend expressed appreciation to the committee for helping us engage our concerns and leadings regarding the current refugee crisis. (2) Ben Hebner, RFM representative to Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), gave a report on his recent involvement in FCNL activities. He attended a recent FCNL meeting and returned with renewed appreciation for Friends who lobby our government about our concerns. He also spoke about being inspired and moved by a collection of writings by RFM Friends on the Peace Testimony that he found in our library. FCNL is looking for ways to “wage peace,” including lobbying for permanent funding for a commission established by the current administration and guided by principles of the Great Lakes Initiative in Africa (a program with which RFM member Linda Heacock was actively involved). Ben discussed his meetings with the staffs of Virginia’s U.S. senators and Ben’s Congressman. Lastly, Ben described the big push by FCNL to engage youth and get them involved. He asked Friends to help connect interested young people with FCNL.

Ministry and Worship: The Clerk made an announcement for the committee: The Christmas Eve Meeting for Worship will be held Thursday, December 24, 2015. Singing will begin at 4:30 pm, worship will be from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Adult Spiritual Education: Howard Garner reported for the committee. He referred Friends to events listed in the agenda and to the page titled “Living the Quaker Life” attached to the agenda handout. This series grew out of a desire to build upon the old “Quaker 101” program and is designed for new attenders, attenders considering membership, and long-term members and attenders interested in a deeper Quaker experience. The “textbook” is the proposed BYM Faith and Practice (2013), copies of which are available without charge to Friends who intend to participate in the program. Howard encouraged Friends to sign and return the slip at the bottom of the page describing the series as a way of making the commitment to attend, whether or not a copy of F&P was requested.

Eleventh Month 2015 MWB Minutes: Approved, with correction of a typographical error. It was noted that Care and Counsel’s second reading of a request for membership, referred to in the minutes, is being held over until January so that the family involved can be present.

Clerk’s Business: (1) The Clerk reviewed the history of the formation of the Ad Hoc Building Use Committee and the creation of revised building use guidelines which were sent to the Richmond Zoning Office in August. Since there has been no need for committee work for a while, and a new Clerk will start in January, the Clerk requested that the committee be laid down. Friends approved. Several Friends asked whether there would be a final report from the committee. The Clerk offered the possibility that the existing documents of the committee’s work and the building use guidelines themselves, all of which have been turned over to the Archivist, were sufficient. After discussion, Friends approved. (2) The Clerk reminded committee clerks to send year-end reports to Ministry and Worship, the Archivist, and the Clerk. (3) As the Clerk announced the next potluck, Bob Alexander reported that the new oven is defective and Hospitality is trying to determine whether it makes sense to hold the potluck on the 27th. The Meeting will be notified whether a potluck lunch will be held. (3) After the Clerk asked if there was any further business, a Friend requested that personal announcements be made immediately. Friends agreed.

Personal Announcements: (1) A Friend expressed appreciation to Barbara Hulburt for her two years’ service as Clerk of Meeting and asked that it be minuted. (2) Janet Worsham announced her plan to create a portable lending library in Puerto Rico and asked for book donations for ages infant to adult, in Spanish and English.

All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.

Barbara Hulburt, Clerk

James Thoroman, Recording Clerk