For at least the past eight years, the RFM newsletter editors, Diane Bowden and Don Miller, have used the 2013 draft of Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice as the source for queries and voices at the top of each newsletter. These queries and voices are then often used in our meetings for business. The 2013 draft of Faith and Practice was laid down, or not approved, at BYM Yearly Session in 2013. This means that the current, accepted BYM Faith and Practice was approved in 1988, with revisions approved in 2001. The 2013 draft of Faith and Practice is now out of print, but still available on the BYM website. A new BYM Faith and Practice Committee will be nominated to make revisions to the 1988 version as needed and requested. Because of the unapproved status of the 2013 draft, he newsletter editors will be using queries from both the
approved 1988 Faith and Practice and the 2013 draft, along with quotes (voices) from the 2013 draft. This is simply an explanation for the change and the reasoning behind it. Should you wish to comment on this change,
please contact the editors at