Please join us for a special meeting on the evening of Friday, November 1, from 7 to 8 p.m. to remember and celebrate the lives of our dear treasured Friends who have worshipped together with us.
The idea for this came from a query at a couple of different planning meetings earlier in the year, asking when folks felt particularly welcomed by Meeting. Out came these wonderful stories about people who have been part of Richmond Friends Meeting over the years, many of them long since passed away.
So, we thought, what if we created a space where we could share stories and reflections about people who have shaped this Meeting and our own lives? We had the idea for a special Meeting for Worship for Remembrance, held by Adult Spiritual Education and Ministry and Worship. We think it’s a wonderful way to keep alive the spirit and work of those who have come before us in this meeting community, whether we are old-timers or newcomers.