Each year, the Ministry and Worship Committee of Richmond Friends Meeting writes a Spiritual State of the Meeting report for the previous calendar year. This report is based on the experiences and insights provided by the entire RFM community. On Saturday, February 22, the Meeting community will gather for this purpose. This is the one time each year when the entire community comes together to reflect on how we are doing and to identify challenges going forward. All members and attenders of our meeting are encouraged to attend. We welcome every voice. For newer attenders, this is an wonderful opportunity to learn a great deal about Meeting.
Bagels, juice and coffee will be available starting at 9 am. We will be seated and begin settling by 9:30 am to begin our sharing, which will end by noon. The themes expressed during worship sharing will be recorded by members of Ministry and Worship and considered during the drafting of the report. The report will be brought to Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business for approval before being sent to in April to the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting for their use in preparing a report for BYM annual sessions. If you are not able to attend, you are invited to send reflections in writing to the clerk of Ministry and Worship Committee, Don Miller, or you may leave letters in the mailbox for Ministry and Worship.