Among Friends

Imagine biking sections of the Capital Trail, or taking short walks in the James River Park system, or reading and discussing books that increase your understanding of critical race theory. What about learning a new craft, or visiting local museums and galleries, or watching films in languages other than English? Many of us long to explore a new interest or hobby, and find it more engaging when we pursue that interest with f/Friends. That’s what Friendly Eights are all about: sharing an interest or new pursuit with a small group of folks–usually around 8 in number–from October to May (and sometimes year-round!). Even during the pandemic, several Friendly Eights met for socially distanced outdoor activities, or gathered over Zoom (RFM maintains a Zoom account that makes virtual meet-ups possible).

The Care and Counsel Committee is responsible for overseeing the Friendly Eights program, and any member can answer your questions about forming a group or joining up. We always aim to offer a group called “Old Friends, New Friends” which helps orient those new to Richmond Friends Meeting and connect with a few folks who are familiar with RFM’s history and Quaker practices.


Before September 12, consider a Friendly Eight topic you’d like to organize or help facilitate. Typically, Care and Counsel posts sign-up sheets in the foyer behind our worship room early in September, and encourages folks to sign up throughout the month. The first meetings usually happen in October. This year, Care and Counsel will make sure to broadcast the formation of Friendly Eights via the listserv, too. To help us track Friendly Eight suggested topics, gauge interest, and publicize this year’s options, please furnish your ideas by September 12 to Tera Yoder or Randee Humphrey.