Have you wondered about lectio divina and how it’s done at RFM ? Basically, it’s contemplation – a chance to experience a reading of a passage, meditating upon your chosen word or phrase from the passage, feeling what comes up for you personally in your life as the passage is read, and resting in awareness of the sacredness in our lives.
Passages come from different sources. Lectio divina in Latin of course means divine reading; passages are chosen carefully. The passage is read several times; silence helps us settle enough to experience the passage in four ways:

  • Findingawordorphrasethatspeakstoyouandthatmayhavepersonalmeaninginyourlife.
  • Meditatinguponthiswordandthefeelingsyouhaveaboutitandthepassage.
  • HavinganinnerconversationwiththeDivineaboutthisandwhatitmeansinyourlife.Discoveringanew connection.
  • Restingincontemplation,intheawarenessfromtheexperienceoflisteningwithyourheart.
    Lectio divina meets twice a month, every other Thursday morning on Zoom at 9am. It’s not a discussion or therapy group, but a chance to experience a connection with the Divine through a sacred passage that can come alive in silence and through worship sharing. Any one attending is welcome to just listen.
    Please contact Sylvia Shurcliff with any questions.